A collaboration project with artist Eliza Barrios
An art intervention on newspaper stands
Photocopied paper
2010-On going
Using the newspaper stands located along Market, Montgomery Street and Civic Center Plaza as “vehicles to deliver information”, my collaborator artist Eliza Barrios and I send messages through the windows of these structures. Altering the visual landscape of the pedestrian/urban environment, the messages are a mixture of iconography and slogans that call attention to the economy, consumerism and un-sustainability of the capitalistic culture. Daily Slots is an ongoing project that reflects the issues that affect our city.
An art intervention on newspaper stands
Photocopied paper
2010-On going
Using the newspaper stands located along Market, Montgomery Street and Civic Center Plaza as “vehicles to deliver information”, my collaborator artist Eliza Barrios and I send messages through the windows of these structures. Altering the visual landscape of the pedestrian/urban environment, the messages are a mixture of iconography and slogans that call attention to the economy, consumerism and un-sustainability of the capitalistic culture. Daily Slots is an ongoing project that reflects the issues that affect our city.
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Daily Slots
by Paz de la Calzada
This book illustrates public art interventions along Market Street, San Francisco. The messages question issues that affect our city, like capitalistic culture, gay marriage, credit/debt, eviction, etc
40 pages, 35 photos